Announcing the Kurdish Short Film Competition for 8th DuhokIFF

Announcing the Kurdish Short Film Competition for 8th DuhokIFF

The list of Kurdish Short Film Competition for 8th DuhokIFF!!!

We thank and welcome all directors who submitted their films to the Duhok Film Festival’s Kurdish Short Film Competition. Out of 130 entries, we chose a great competition and we are excited to share the news today with everyone and announce the Kurdish short films that will compete among them for the award for the best Kurdish short film. The competition consists of diverse and engaging stories from 12 different stories, bringing together multiple perspectives.

Seven Symphonies of Zagros by Perwiz Rostemi
The last Apple by Chalang Jamal
After the Rain by Beston Zirian
AYSHA by Cengiz Akaygun
Voice in the Waves by Navid Zara
IM Raining Down Into The City by Kasim Ordek
Siber by Majid Darvesh
The Other by Saman Hossinpor
Ido by Saman Mustafa
The Room by Sami Mermer
Fingerprint by Zanyar Mihemedi
Ajotin by Muhammed Seyd