Today’s panel titled “The Swedish cinema: from Ingmar Bergman to Ruben Ostlund” at Duhok International Film Festival which was moderated by Freddy Olsson with panelist...

Today’s panel titled “Modern Kurdish literature as a source for Kurdish cinema” at Duhok International Film Festival was moderated by Sabri Silevany with panelists Abdullah...

A panel under the name of “Obstacles to young Kurdish directors in filmmaking and ways to overcome them”. for watching the full panel click here.

This year’s Kurdish Film Jury is spearheaded by Jury President Producer Marcos Tellechea who worked on prestigious productions starring actors like Matt Dillon, Tom Cruise...

Apart from the film programs, Duhok IFF carries on the tradition of arranging panels during the festival week, inviting filmmakers, festival guests, intellectuals, and government...

We are honored to reveal this year’s jury members. This year’s Short Film jury is led by Jury President Swedish screenwriter and director Jennifer Malmquist...

In the 9th edition’s World Cinema Jury, the Jury President is no one less than one of  Duhok’s international sources of pride, Soleen Yusef. Soleen...

Since 2018, Duhok IFF has had the honor to host a FIPRESCI Jury and this year is no exception. See below the FIPRESCI representatives who...

For the Documentary Jury Paxton Winters will take the seat of jury president. Winters is known for his impressive documentaries tracing the Silk Road, discovering...

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